Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Ragdoll Cat in Watercolour

This is a bit bigger than my recent work, 8 x 10 in watercolour on Arches paper.
I took the photograph at last years Supreme Cat Show. It is a Ragdoll and I think it's coat colour is Tortie Tabby, please feel free to correct me if I'm wrong.


  1. Hey Gayle! Beautiful start on this cat. Love the eyes.

    I really can't tell much from the fur just yet, but from the eyes alone I can tell that she isn't a Tortoiseshell. Without going into the genetics of it all, torties have yellow/amber eyes and on rare occasions green but never blue. Their fur is black and yellowish gold/orange fur with limited white (on their bellies,a little bit on their faces, chest, and paws). Sometimes the black is diluted to a dark gray. I have a tortie named Treat whose portrait I did http://nancypingreehoover.blogspot.com/2009/08/treat-wip-1.html (unfortunately I never posted the finished version, but you can get the idea of the coloring from this pic). I also did a portrait of two shelter cats, one of which had tortie coloring (the one on the right is tortie and the one on the left barely has the tortie markings) http://nancypingreehoover.blogspot.com/2009_07_01_archive.html . Also, torties are not tabbies. They don't have striping like the tabbies have, just a combination of black and goldish orange coloring (mostly black).

    Hope this helps you out Gayle. I simply LOVE your animal art!!! You are a very talented artist.


  2. You nailed the eyes, Gayle! Can't wait to see this completed.:)

  3. Thank you all.
    Thanks for the help Nancy, I haven't forgotten about the colours in the ginger cat I'll try and dig them out this weekend.
