Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Tawny Owl in Watercolour

I've started painting a tawny owl in watercolour. I intend to include the full body as in my reference photo the bird is wet and has ruffled feathers due to a strong wind which is a little bit different. I was also ruffled at the time as it was a really wet and windy day and I got down to eye level with the owl. I took the photographs of the owl at a local game fair.

Unfortunately I've been quite badly bitten so have one hand completely bandaged and the other hand and arm so badly bruised I can't bend my fingers which means I might be slower than ever on this one. It's a long story involving bitches in season, frustrated male dogs and my hands going too near snapping teeth.


Poet Whale Studio said...

Hope you are all right and healing well. Love your artwork

CMNicklay said...

Sorry to hear of your injuries. Take care of yourself and get healed.

I love owls and the eyes on this one are so captivating. I'm immediately drawn to them. Can't wait to see each step and especially the final piece.


CMNicklay said...

So sorry to hear of your injuries. Take care of yourself and get healed.

Your Tawny Owl looks fantastic! The eyes are SO captivating! I can't wait to see the next step.
