One of the best bits was meeting a cyber friend and her dog, we had a lovely chat but didn't get to spend long enough together.
The journey home from Hawaii was trouble free, but long and boring, leaving me achieving very little today.
The house survived as did my eldest son although both looked a little rumpled round the edges. He got his A level results last week and will be going to University in Septemeber. My youngest son got his GCSE results today and I have to do a little parental bragging, he got 4 grade A's and 7 A*'s.
I took hundreds of photographs and although not lucky enough to see a wild bear, I did see many other species of wild animals including a wolf, coyote, grey fox, moose, elk, racoon, and several others. Most will feature in my future work.
I will leave you with a photograph of Mount Ranier until tomorrow when I will share my news about the Society of Feline Artists 12th Exhibition.

Stunning view, I'm deeply envious of you seeing all that wildlife! Fantastic - I'm looking forward to all the art to come>
It really was a wonderful holiday.
I am already planning to go back to Canada, probably in 2009
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