I thought you might like to see its development. I used Prismacolor French Grey coloured pencils in Frech Grey, 10%, 20%, 30%, 50%, 70%, 90% and Black. It is on Arches watercolour paper and is approximately 14 x 10 inches.

The print is shown below, it will be part of my work displayed at the Spring Fair that is held at the National Exhibition Centre at the beginning of February. The Spring Fair is one of the largest trade fairs held in the UK and it attracts a huge International audience, so hopefully it will be popular.
If you are interested in the Spring fair I have included the link below.
I saw your cat on Katherine Tyrrell's blog and just had to come here to tell you how much I loved it. Awesome! I'm sure your prints are going to sell out quickly.
it's absolutely beautiful - I love the pose and the luminous eyes and sheer character you've caught.
I'm sure you'll do well with this one.
I had to come and see it too! Just beautiful. Congratulations.
Thank you all of you for having a look and leaving a comment, it is much appreciated.
I came from Katherine's, too.
I love seeing what your process is, with the gray cat, with the eye.....
I love your whippet. A soft and loving personality really shines through.
So glad your puppy is ok now, and hope and trust you are, too!
Thank you for sharing your amazing work with us.
-- Vicki in Michigan
I am so impressed. I lost your blog address and have spent hours searching for it. I appreciate all your technique tips since I also do animals and the demos of eyes is the best I have ever seen. Thank you.
Gayle this is just gorgeous! You have an amazing hand at fur. Are you going to have prints of this?
The cat is really beautifull. I wish I could paint like that.
But.....the shadow of the cats feet on the polished floor is absolutely stunning.
Thank you Kate and Henriette, Kate I have got prints available
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