This Jack Russell was a pleasure to draw she had such a sweet little face. Plus I took the photographs which made it easier as I'd seen her personality.
The owner asked that I use French Grey coloured pencil with colour for the eyes, the same technique I've used for cats.
It's on Arches hot press watercolour paper.
My bird of the day is this Treecreeper which was attracted to the fat we've rubbed in the bark of one of the Silver Birches.
It's not the sharpest of photographs but I was so excited my hands were shaking. This is not a common visitor to our garden.

Gorgeous drawing of the dog Gayle. The touch of colour is very effective isn't it? I'll bet the owner was thrilled to receive it.
Enjoy Scotland and Merry Christmas.
Goodness Gayle, I'm not surprised your hands were shaking! I have never seen one close up. I had a similar feeling the first time a great spotted woodpecker visited our garden, I could barely switch the camera on, let alone hold it steady.
Lovely picture of the JR.
The Jack Russell is just outstanding! I loved the cat too so I'm not surprised the owner wanted that style.
Your Jack Russel is wonderful!
Exquisite work.
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